Our services

So as to meet the need of the Polish retail & distribution sector, particularly changing and undergoing constant evolutions, players have to demonstrate agility and resilience to tackle the new risks and issues at stakes. Forvis Mazars dedicated team helps you at every stage of your development.

Services tailored to individual needs

Store audits

  • Identification  of the organization's goals & issues
  • Diagnosis of store processes
  • Identification of key controls for each process & preparation of a questionnaire
  • Deployment of the questionnaire, assessment of internal control & analysis of KPIs (internal benchmarking)
  • Definition of actions for improved control over exposures

Supply chain

  • A complete diagnosis based on six clearly defined indicators describing the degree of internal control maturity of your Supply Chain Function at 2 levels (Centrally and at supply chain locations)
  • A five-step methodology aimed at supplying you:
    • A risk framework centered on your key activities and processes
    • An internal control framework reflecting Forvis Mazars’ methodology but tailored to your supply chain organisation
    • Qualitative analysis under four headings of your residual risks and drivers for optimization: Operations, Information systems, Organisation and Management

Transfer pricing

  • Diagnostic reviews
  • Practical transfer pricing policy design and implementation
  • Documentation and rulings to support policy
  • Proactive pre-return engagement with tax authorities
  • Identify and quantify benefits arising from effective exploitation of intellectual property
  • Designing transfer pricing transactions that support changed business structures
  • Provide documentation and implementation support
  • Advice on strategy for handling audits, litigation & arbitration
  • Negotiation with tax authorities
  • Economic analysis to refute tax authority position
  • Advice on supportable borrowing capacity and interest rates
  • Negotiation of thin capitalization, withholding tax and anti-avoidance rulings with tax authorities

Due diligence

  • On the buy-side:
    • Understanding the underlying performance and the value-generating factors of the target company
    • Analysis of the key elements affecting the acquisition price and identifying the risks requiring  specific warranties
    • Assisting with the drafting of price adjusting mechanisms and with a post-acquisition review (opening balance sheet, Purchase Price Allocation phase, …)
  • On the sell-side:
    • Preparing pro forma financials and/or carve-out and a critical review of the past performance
    • Drafting the business plan based on sound and defensible assumptions
    • Organizing and managing a data room

Big Data analysis

  • Analyzing and reviewing the reliability of your data
  • Optimizing your data to ensure timely access to key information
  • Securing your information system and improving the prevention and detection of fraud and sensitive information
  • Ensuring effective management of information flow and optimizing the management of client and suppliers information database
  • Mastering your process and monitoring your performance in real time

Franchisee pack

  • A franchisee pack to provide you with our expertise at four key moments:
    • Candidature (Analysis of your financial and legal documents, assistance in fundraising)
    • Creation (Drafting and lodging of articles of association, review and analysis of the franchise file, analysis of your choice of business mode)
    • Development (Accounting, payroll, legal, reporting)
    • Transmission or sale

Management of legal risks

  • A simple three-phase approach:
    • Identification of risks and construction of a legal risk framework
    • Construction of a system of legal risk appraisal and definition of a strategy for deployment
    • Design of reporting tailored to interested parties’ requirements
  • Risk identification focused on your operations:
    • At the level of your key operating processes
    • Cross-referenced to your business’s critical areas of law
  • Risks jointly assessed by legal and operating personnel on the basis of a unique system of appraisal