Transfer pricing

A global view on a business-critical, fast-evolving issue

Organisations that span international borders are increasingly facing complex regulatory and tax issues in the different jurisdictions where they operate. Transfer pricing is at the top of the tax priority list for many mid-sized and large businesses, with an outsized impact on and business units. We offer a range of solutions for transfer pricing management so you can ensure compliance with local regulations.

Our approach

There is greater scrutiny of transfer pricing the world over. Only a global, multi-layer approach can bring simplicity to this fast-evolving issue. Our global partnership in more than 90 countries provides the vital expertise in tracking developments such as new legislation and court/tribunal rulings in each jurisdiction, through direct contact with our transfer pricing experts who have deep industry know-how and the local and international expertise necessary. 

Transfer pricing documentation is a fiscal obligation requiring the determination and evaluation of prices or payment amounts for operations carried out between related people, companies, or entities in order to ensure their compliance with the Arm´s Length Principle (ALP). Currently, a large portion of international commerce is carried out between affiliated enterprises, making the applications of transfer pricing numerous.

Our services

  • Identifying areas of opportunity. A transfer pricing study is a useful tool for decision-making In as much as it helps identify and take advantage of opportunities in administrative, financial, and fiscal areas
  • Risk management (preparing a transfer pricing study). We assist our clients by preparing transfer pricing documentation, eliminating fiscal risks by ensuring compliance with the obligation to obtain and keep this documentation
  • Policy implementation. An appropriate transfer pricing policy provides a complete panorama of the related businesses, creating an opportunity to increase the efficiency of intercompany operations with respect to the functions, assets, and risks that each related party holds, reducing costs and increasing benefits
  • Insertion in global markets. Having a transfer pricing policy provides a competitive edge when entering international markets. It is an initial guide to compliance with fiscal obligations abroad.
  • Global Core Documentation. If your business has related parties located in different countries, global core documentation can be a powerful tool that gives you a complete diagnostic of the ways in which intercompany operations are carried out abroad. In addition, our international transfer pricing team has the ability and the experience necessary to develop documentation in compliance with the legislation of any country where it is necessary

Our people 

Our team consists of experienced tax specialists and transfer pricing experts with country and sector specific tax and industry knowhow, accountants and economists, which ensures that we can provide, develop and implement customised transfer pricing solutions that fit with our clients’ commercial and tax strategies.

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