Forvis Mazars in Mexico: Thought leadership

Our local experts share the information you want to know in order to face the many business challenges and opportunities you can encounter.

Tax alert: your finance, tax, legal and labour update

Sustainability alert

Financial alert: business challenges, regulatory frameworks and other updates

Foreign Trade & Customs alert: Accurate information for smart decisions


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Discover the IMSS inbox

On July 9, 2020 DECISION ACDO.AS2.HCT.240620/170.P.DIR, passed by the Technical Board in its meeting held on June 24, 2020 and its Single Appendix, was published in the Federal Official Gazette, by means of which the General Guidelines for the Use of the IMSS Inbox were approved. This Decision came into effect on August 3, 2020.

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The key points of the Mexican automotive industry

At the end of 2021, there was speculation that it would take the automotive sector in Mexico until 2023 or 2024 to regain speed after the complex panorama brought by the pandemic. Now, after a health emergency that put many industries in a tight spot, can we validate that forecast? How is 2024 going for the automotive sector?

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Increased holidays in Mexico: Labour and accounting effects

The preliminaries of the reform of the Federal Labour Law, which came into force on January 1, 2023, created a lot of anticipation because of the changes it brought to the labour and fiscal world, which is explained because there had been no changes to vacation periods for years in Mexico.

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Taxes for workers abroad: Mexico, US and Canada

International companies have increased their activities globally in different countries, such as Mexico, the United States, and Canada. This is due to various factors, such as the practice of nearshoring, but… what happens, in fiscal terms, when a worker is sent to another territory?

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PCI DSS Update 4.0

The Payment Card Industry Data Security Standard (PCI DSS), is a computer security standard to protect sensitive credit and debit cardholder data.

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