Independent Verification of Social Responsibility Reports

Our Independent Verification Service for Social Responsibility Reports assists companies that seek to strengthen the transparency and credibility of their economic, environmental, and social commitments. Forvis Mazars helps to make the report a strategic tool for boosting confidence among investors and interest groups, as well as promoting your company’s good reputation.

Verification for Social Responsability Reports: Main challenges

As Social Responsibility has taken on ever-greater importance, companies have had to adapt to the expectations of their investors, headquarters, society, and all of their interest groups in order to develop a sustainable and successful business model.

As a result, companies face increasing responsibility and pressure to be transparent with regards to their impact in economic, environmental, and social terms: improving the company’s reputation, the impact it has on consumers, the value of its brand, shareholder confidence, the Board of Directors’ commitment, etc.

In this regard, the Sustainability Report can become a strategic tool—not only for communication—but also for revision and evolution of internal processes, as well as recognition of achievements made and challenges faced by the company.

Forvis Mazars offers a turnkey solution 

Forvis Mazars can issue an independent verification of your company’s Social Responsibility, Sustainability, or Social Commitment report based on internationally recognized standards AA1000AS and/or ISAE3000 that are adapted to any reporting methodology (GRI, <IR>, SASB, etc.).

Forvis Mazars provides options for you to choose from 

Our work is directed by experts certified in AA1000AS. The AccountAbility Assurance Standard AA1000AS (2008) was published by AccountAbility, a global non-profit network.

This standard of assurance is the most internationally recognized standard and it is free to obtain.  It is based on the Principles of AccountAbility AA1000AP (2008 in transition to its 2017 version)—Inclusivity, Materiality, Impact and Responsiveness—and proposes two levels of assurance (high or moderate).

Beyond verification of the report, AccountAbility’s AA1000 Series facilitates review of sustainable management and the company’s performance, and brings value to the company through the continual improvement of its practices and processes.   

Forvis Mazars will add value by making any possible recommendations. It will be an exercise of reflection and introspection in order to identify your company’s best practices, as well as its areas of opportunity.

Forvis Mazars support your business success 

Forvis Mazars is an alternative to the larger firms in the market, as we have the same quality control, procedures, and methodologies, but with the focus of a boutique firm, concentrating on our relationship with our clients and close monitoring of their projects.  

Our firm is committed to the <IR>, and in 2015 began efforts to publish an annual report, in compliance with the IIRC Guidelines. 

Are you interested in our services for Independent Verification of Social Responsibility Reports? Contact our team. 

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