Financial reporting

An essential element of good financial management and decision making is the production of management reports which provide key analysis of the financial and operational performance of the business.

Management reports are prepared to a pre-determined monthly deadline. Standard management reports will include:

  • Profit and loss period and year to date
  • Balance Sheet including prior period comparison
  • Cash Flow
  • Budget variance analysis
  • Age debtor analysis with identification of provision for bad debt
  • Age creditor analysis
  • working capital management
  • Summary of outstanding taxes due (CT; Vat; RCT; PSWT; PAYE/PRSI).
  • Statutory non-audit reporting
  • Company secretarial

Forvis Mazars can prepare or assist in the preparation of the monthly management report. Options vary from the complete outsourcing of the monthly reporting function to assisting client’s staff in the preparation of the report.

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