Data protection newsletter - Issue 14

2022 was a year of significant data protection landscape updates. The Data Protection Commission (DPC) is working towards more enforcement than guidance. Non-material damages have also been discussed across the EU, and we saw the first GDPR certification being approved and ready for candidates. There was also a continued focus on international data transfers and more fines and actions.

2023 will bring more challenges as we see the introduction of a new draft adequacy decision between the EU and the US and a DPC with two more commissioners aiming to increase enforcement.

In this newsletter, we discuss the following:

  • €390m fine for breach of transparency obligations and unlawful processing
  • €265m fine for inadequate data protection by design and default
  • Cookie banner taskforce report
  • Recent Data Protection Commission inquiries lead to no fines
  • First approved GDPR certification scheme - Europrivacy
  • EU-US Adequacy Decision
  • International transfers


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Data protection newsletter Issue 14
