Tax Newsletters 2017

Read here the latest issues of Mazars Hungary's Tax Newsletters. In these publications we would like to inform our clients and prospective partners about the current modifications or changes in tax.

Clarified details of the new type of corporate income tax allowance- Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/15

As it has been known since the beginning of the year, a tax allowance is available in case of commissioning and operating investments serving energy-efficiency purposes.

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Real time data providing - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/14

As it is widely known, the accepted tax package, published last week, postponed the effective date of the provision that stipulates the connection of invoicing programs and on-line reporting to the Hungarian Tax Authority with one year.

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Country-by-Country Reporting - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/13

The most important trend in the world of international transfer pricing is that more and more countries implement the recommendations set out in the BEPS Action Plan.

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Tax package for 2018 announced - Tax Newsletter 2017/12

The omnibus tax package approved by the Parliament last week has been announced in the Official Gazette (Magyar Közlöny) on 19 June 2017.

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Advertising tax - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/11

Parliament’s decision is in: the advertising tax is to be refunded

Parliament passed an amendment on Tuesday pursuant to which the advertising tax filed and paid by publishers of advertisements for the 2014-2016 tax years is to be repaid.

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Lubricating oils and the EKAER system - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/10

NAV focusing on excise authorisations

In recent years, the Hungarian Tax and Customs Administration (NAV) has been receiving an ever increasing range of data from a variety of online systems, including EKAER.

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Spring tax package - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/9

It has been a trend for a number of years that in the spring the financial administration presents a “package” of amendments to the tax laws to be introduced in the following year. This year is no exception: on 2 May 2017, the latest omnibus tax bill (proposed act no. T/15428) was submitted to the Parliament.

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Hungarian CbC regulation approved - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/8

On May 4, 2017, the Parliament voted the law amendment requiring the filing of Country-by-Country Report (“CbCR”).

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Brexit - It has started - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/7

As we could also hear from media reports, Theresa May sent the official notification to the EU yesterday on activating Article 50 of the Lisbon Treaty, which means that the UK has officially started the BREXIT process.

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Advertising tax - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2017/6

A new era may begin in 2017 regarding the advertising tax, if the Parliament passes the proposed amendments to the law, submitted by the Government on Tuesday (28 March 2017).

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