Forvis Mazars News

Here you will find here our latest Forvis Mazars news which will help you find out what is it that we do in Forvis Mazars globally, besides Audit, Accounting and Advisory.
Be sure to check them out!

Reconstruction of Ukraine newsletter - June 2024

June was a month of major international events focusing on Ukraine's security and economy. It included several international visits by President Zelenskyi, the Ukraine Peace Summit in Switzerland, the Ukraine Recovery Conference in Berlin, and the G7 Summit in Italy. Important decisions were made, and significant announcements were delivered at each of these events, which we will delve into in this edition.

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Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study 2024

Does the perceived reduction in risk amongst European banks hint at early signs of optimism for the sector? Throughout 2023, we observed a global economic slowdown, ongoing geopolitical tensions, and the rapid rise of new technologies. As we analyse the year-end results of the 26 largest banks in Europe, what do these figures reveal about expected credit losses and how these institutions manage persistent uncertainties in the banking landscape?

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Sporazum o suradnji Forvis Mazarsa i Sveučilišta Algebre

Tim Forvis Mazarsa uspostavio je značajnu suradnju sa Sveučilištem Algebra kako bi podržali novi prijediplomski sveučilišni studijski program - Poslovna ekonomija i digitalno poslovanje.

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Forvis Mazars shakes up professional services industry with its new $5 billion global network

3 June 2024 – Two leading professional services firms, Mazars, an international partnership operating in over 100 countries and territories, and FORVIS, a top ranked firm in the United States, today mark the official launch of their new global network, Forvis Mazars.

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CEE webinar: Food & Beverages Sector in CEE

Mazars & EMIS would like to invite you to our upcoming webinar about market trends, value creation, and post-merger integration challenges in the Food & Beverages Sector in CEE

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Mazars announces another year of record revenues as it builds global ambition

6 February 2024 – Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, today releases its global financial results for 2022/2023. This is the third consecutive year the firm has achieved double-digit growth across all services (both audit and non-audit). Despite ongoing market uncertainty, revenues are up 13% on last year, reaching €2.8 billion in fee income.

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Predstavljen Artificial Intelligence Research projekt

U prostorijama Zagrebačke burze održano je predstavljanje Artificial Intelligence Research projekta (AIR) te okrugli stol pod nazivom „Fintech: tehnologija u službi kapitala“.

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Mazars and FORVIS to form unique new top 10 global network

15 November 2023 – Mazars, the leading international audit, tax, and advisory firm and FORVIS, the eighth largest public accounting firm in the United States, today jointly announce they will create a new, top 10 global network , effective 1 June 2024. The new network will position both firms for continued global growth by expanding their capabilities to serve clients, especially those with international needs.

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Financial reporting of European banks: benchmark study H1 2023

Has the European banking sector achieved renewed stability amidst a troubled macroeconomic context? Over the past three years, the banking sector has had to endure numerous crises, including Covid-19 and the war in Ukraine. What do the 2023 interim results of the 26 largest banks in Europe indicate about the impact on Expected Credit Losses (ECL) in this unusual environment?

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Mazars & Cepor: Kako financirati rast Vašeg biznisa

Stručnjaci iz područja financijskog savjetovanja će govoriti na temu financiranja poduzeća, opcijama koje su na raspolaganju za budućnost poslovanja, kako prikupiti kapital za poduzeće, prilikama iz EU fondova i kao alternativi tome, Zakonu o poticanju ulaganja.

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