Forvis Mazars Tax Newsletter!

Starting from October 2018, Forvis Mazars is presenting you the most intereseting tax news on monthly basis!
Our Tax Newsletter will cover key local tax changes, but also the ones concerning European Union, primarily judgments of European Court of Justice and the BEPS project (Base Erosion and Profit Shifting). These tax updates will also be followed by comments of Forvis Mazars' experts.
If there are other topics about which you would like to find out more, let us know! 

Mazars Tax News - September 2022

Mazars Tax News - June 2022

Mazars Tax News - May 2022

Act on introduction of euro as official currency in Republic of Croatia

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Mazars Tax News - April 2022

Notification on Country by country (CbC) reporting

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Mazars Tax News - March 2022

Abolishment of the Rulebook on the deadlines for submission of financial statements in special circumstances

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Mazars Tax News - February 2022

Draft of Act proposal on introduction of euro as official currency in Republic of Croatia

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Mazars Tax News - January 2022

Invitation to Croatian residents to voluntarily declare foreign receipts

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Mazars Tax News - December 2021

Tax Authority`s opinion – possibility of receipt payment to Revolut Bank UAB and Revolut Payments UAB accounts

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Mazars Tax News - November 2021

Tax Authority`s opinion – special procedure for taxation of distance sales of goods and electronically supplied services

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Mazars Tax News - October 2021

Tax Authorities' opinion - purchase value of stock options during the sale

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