Vicente Pinheiro De Lima Director - BPO

Vicente Pinheiro de Lima


  • Bachelor in Accounting - 2010, Sumaré College.
  • Accounting Technician - 2005, IDEPAC


  • Technical skills: Training:  ITG 2002, ITG 1000, SPED, Fcont, CPC PME, CPC 03, CPC 04, CPC 15, CPC 16, CPC 23, CPC 25, CPC 27, CPC 30 and CPC 31, Law 12.973, Law 11.638, Transfer Pricing, Third Sector Accounting, Financial Statements, Siscoserv, Transfer Pricing and Office Package.
  • Organizational Skills: Negotiation techniques, communication training, planning, organization, leadership, time management, people and project management;
  • Behavioral Skills: Pro-activity, ethics, commitment to results, coherence, adaptability, awareness of quality and strategy.
  • Social Skills: Interpersonal relationships and teamwork.Intellectual skills: Application of internal training, knowledge transfer and management.


English and Spanish

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