Transaction Services

Our Transaction Services teams work with you to provide financial analysis to help you with decision making during the critical stages of a project. Our dedicated experts have on-the-ground experience, allowing us to provide the best advice to you throughout your transaction.

When successfully executed, business transactions can create significant benefit for organisations. We assess the financial rationale of a project, a purchase price, a warranty or a contract, in order to maximize the success of your transaction. 

Key benefits that we bring

  • Deep technical and sector expertise.
  • Close collaboration with your team, supporting you throughout the whole process.
  • Our teams work seamlessly on cross border transactions providing you with one project team with one consistent methodology. 


  • Buy-side due diligence: Our services maximise value creation and minimise risk by providing insightful and expert analysis which enables you to make informed decisions.
  • Vendor assistance/vendor due diligence: We help to accelerate and control your disposal process by identifying and managing key risks early in the process, allowing you to achieve your desired objectives.
  • Carve-out and partnerships: Our team prepares carve-out projects to maximise value creation.
  • Financial diagnostics and business plan review: We provide an independent review of your budgets and forecasts.
  • Post-acquisition situations: Our team has the know-how and expertise to assist you in the post acquisition phase of your project and can help you to achieve growth generation and cost synergies.

Due diligence

Managing Partner