Local and regional brochures

You will find here Mazars brochures related to countries and regions.

Tax Alert : November 2015

"The Albanian Government as a result of the fight against informality and tax evasion has made some legal amendments. The most important amendment which directly affects your business is that of Law No. 9920, dated 18.05.2008, "For the Tax Procedures in the Albanian Republic " published on the Official Gazette No.187 on 28 October 2015 entered into force on 12 November 2015"

For your information and for taking responsibility for their implementation, we have ranked changes made to the law that are very sensitive to economical activity in Albania.

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Mazars in Albania

Mazars in Albania is specialised in assurance services, accounting and outsourcing, tax consulting and advisory services.

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Mazars CEE Deal Advisory Highlights 2020

In 2020 and for the fifth year in a row, Mazars has been ranked among the top 5 leading deal advisors in Central & Eastern Europe, based on Mergermarket CEE Accountant League table by number of successful deals.

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Mazars CEE Deal Advisory Highlights 2020

In 2020 and for the fifth year in a row, Mazars has been ranked among the top 5 leading deal advisors in Central & Eastern Europe, based on Mergermarket CEE Accountant League table by number of successful deals.

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Mazars Central and Eastern European Tax Guide 2019

The Hungarian office of Mazars published for the seventh time its regional tax guide, which presents snapshots and comparative charts of the tax systems of 22 CEE countries for 2019.

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Central Eastern European tax brochure 2015

The Hungarian office of Mazars published its third regional tax survey, which presents snapshots and comparative charts of the tax system of 19 CEE countries.

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