
Mazars offers a full range of professional services including audit, accounting, tax, advisory and legal services for a wide range of clients across the spectrum of industry sectors.

Our assurance service provides clients with the necessary information and confidence to make effective, efficient and transparent decisions that impact the future of their activity. Here at Mazars, our main goal is to give our clients a clear insight into their corporate strategy, business processes and financial reports.

  • Our audit methodology is based on the International Standards on Auditing (ISA) with an emphasis on:
  • Understanding of business from the standpoint of internal and external audit,
  • Determining the risk of material misstatement and controls aimed at error preventing,
  • Planning an audit of each individual company's business in in order to ensure realization of the audit objectives,
  • Audit quality assurance through direct engagement of partners during the audit process.

The services that we deliver cover the following areas:

Audit of Financial Statements

We provide audit services for different clients including statutory and group reporting audit.

Statutory audit is destined for clients whose duty to review their financial statements is stipulated by law, as well as for clients who voluntarily choose this method of verification in order to obtain an independent view of their bookkeeping.

Group reporting audit is destined for the clients who regroup the financial statements of their subsidiaries for consolidation purpose.

Our approach to auditing your financial statements begins with obtaining a thorough understanding of your business and industry, including your internal controls, and ends with the expression of an opinion as to whether or not your financial statements are presented fairly in all material respects and a management letter where our findings and suggestions for improvement are materialized.

Prior to and during the audit, we work closely with our clients to develop a service plan and calendar, which includes engagement planning meetings and frequent client communications intended to produce an efficient and cost-effective audit while minimizing disruption of the client’s daily routine.

Every time we undertake an audit mission, our aim is to acquire a broad knowledge of the company's requirements and strategic orientation. We consider that our audits provide added value by serving as a springboard towards identifying tax, administrative and competitive opportunities.

Reviews of Financial Statements

Where an audit may not be necessary, we can assist you by performing a review of your financial statements and providing a limited form of assurance as to whether or not any material modifications should be made to those financial statements for them to be presented in accordance with IFRS, local GAAP or another comprehensive basis of accounting.

Agreed-Upon Procedures

Where a client and/or a specified third party require financial information or an assertion of management to be independently verified, we can assist with the performance of an agreed-upon procedures engagement. In such an engagement, a report of findings is issued based upon the results of specific procedures, as agreed to by the client and other specified users related to the subject matter.

Internal Audit

An internal audit assists the accounting unit in improving the efficiency of management and control processes. The goal and the scope of the internal audit depend on the size and structure of the accounting unit and on the specific requirements of the management (e.g. review of the internal control system, review of financial management, audit of financial and operational data, etc.). We act as your consultants or as part of your in-house team, reviewing your internal audit function, assessing its effectiveness and refine it to suit your business needs.

Tax Audit

Tax audit is an independent review of accounting and taxing systems with a view to accurately calculate the tax base for each tax and payments of tax and duties within the certain period, status of payments to budget and extra-budgetary funds, compliance of accounting and taxing systems with requirements of existing legislation. The purpose of tax audit is to identify mistakes in accounting and taxing systems and to develop measures for their correction.

During the tax audit, tax bases for each tax are reviewed; tax accounting and tax reporting are thoroughly and separately audited for each tax. The result of the tax audit is a tax risks estimate and advice on risk minimization. Based on the results of the tax audit, the client receives professional recommendations for the correction of identified mistakes.

Other Assurance Services

We are able to provide our clients with all other assurance services as defined by the IAASB that are not detailed above.

Accounting & Outsourcing

Combining accounting and tax expertise with commercial experience, the Mazars approach can meet a wide range of your outsourcing requirements.

Accounting services 

Initial set-up and timely review of accounts customized for company activity and for group reporting requirements and good practice management.

  • Review of documentations based on local rules and legislations and good practice management.
  • Inputting the accounting entries into the accounting system.
  • Consulting, design and maintaining managerial accounting and cost centers.
  • Preparation of monthly reporting in a specific predefined format.
  • Preparation of Annual Financial Statements for Statutory and Group reporting purposes
  • Assistance during external and Internal Audits.
  • Other services upon client request.

Tax Service Compliance

  • Monthly Tax Service Compliance for Value Added Tax, Income Tax, and Withholding Tax.
  • Preparation and electronic submission of the monthly payroll related tax returns.
  • Preparation and filling of required documentation for municipality taxes
  • Preparation and Filling of Annual Tax return
  • Assistance During external Tax Audits
  • Other services upon client request.

Payroll Services:

  • Monthly payroll processing including reconciliation, salaries and related obligation calculation.
  • Payroll journal accounting
  • Preparation of pay slips to individual bank accounts
  • Employee personal agenda processing from new employment procedures
  • Other services related to payroll agenda
  • Other services upon client request.

Other Services:

  • Administrative Assistance
  • Representation of the company in court
  • Representation of the company in administrative appeal processes

Global Mobility Services

Global Mobility Services

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COVID-19 Supporting Your Business

During this time of uncertainty, business leaders need a source of reliable information to help meet the challenges they face. To help, Mazars is creating a series of useful insights written by experts in each subject to offer advice, guidance and practical support.

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COVID-19: Mazars insights

The Covid-19 pandemic is causing uncertainty and disruption around the world. Mazars Group priorities are to protect people and ensure business continuity and service for our clients, working as one partnership, supporting each other across the globe.

Since the beginning of the crisis, we have been closely monitoring the situation and taking action to mitigate the effects of the pandemic. We remain by our clients’ sides, helping them navigate these unprecedented times.

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Global Payroll Services

Managing global payroll across multiple countries can be challenging for many businesses. You may face different payment dates and deadlines, local rules and regulations, types of deductions, frequency of payments and a variety of reporting requirements. It can also be problematic and inefficient to use multiple local providers and hiring specialists in countries to service only a few employees.

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Mazars Financial Advisory Services teams can offer all the necessary skills and expertise to serve all aspects of your transactions. From due diligence and valuation to corporate finance and forensic & investigations.

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Italian Desk - Abbiamo aperto il desk Italiano!

We provide services to Italian companies investing or wishing to invest in the CEE and also to local companies looking to invest in Italy.

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Central and Eastern European Tax Guide 2023

Welcome to the seventh annual Mazars Central and Eastern European (CEE) tax guide, and once again it focuses on the changes in the tax systems of the region. During our review, we have observed big variations in tax strategies across the countries: some increased their consumption taxes, others introduced income tax hikes, and we also witnessed novel solutions such as sectoral crisis taxes, the introduction of direct price regulation schemes, and new taxes, all of which have placed additional burdens on economic actors. It’s also clear that while unique approaches exist, some countries are taking ideas from their neighbours.

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