Global Surveys & Studies

Topics that impact us on an international scale, written by Mazars global experts.

Report: Myths and barriers preventing the progression of women

The benefits of diversity no longer need to be proven. However, it is clear that gender inequalities persist, particularly in executive committees and among CEOs. This report, "Myths and barriers preventing the progression of women: analysis and solutions", developed by Mazars in partnership with the Gender Balance Observatory, is designed for leaders who wish to concretely advance equality in their organisation.

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Sustainability reporting in Asia: Are the EU’s initiatives the benchmark for ESG disclosure in the region?

Corporate sustainability reporting is now a strategically important space that impacts corporate valuations, supply chains, and business models. However, a lack of convergence of regulatory frameworks in Europe and Asia is hampering transparency, reporting quality, comparability, and investment and trade objectives. In our latest sustainability report, we aim to provide a better understanding of the EU’s sustainability reporting landscape and how it compares to four key Asian jurisdictions: Japan, Korea, Thailand, and Singapore.

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Mazars’ C-suite barometer 2021 in APAC

At the end of 2021, our annual C-suite barometer surveyed over 1,000 executives around the globe, including around 200 from the Asia Pacific (APAC) region. The research reveals the latest issues and developments that our clients in the APAC region are facing, allowing us to respond to their opportunities and challenges and support their businesses.

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Investing in CEE: Inbound M&A report 2021/2022

Despite concerns about Covid-19, resurgent inflation and rising energy prices, 2021 saw robust dealmaking across the Central and Eastern Europe (CEE) region. CEE’s diverse markets and abundant targets are increasingly attractive to both domestic and inbound investors. This publication offers an overview of inbound M&A activity in the CEE region throughout 2021, and looks ahead to the opportunities and challenges in the coming months.

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Responsible banking practices: benchmark study 2021

Financial institutions increasingly recognise that climate change and other environmental, social and corporate governance risks jeopardise the world’s economy and financial system.

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Doing M&A in Western Europe: Tax traps and structuring opportunities

With its place in Europe and its integration in the EU, Western Europe tends to be less of a source of tax uncertainties. But conducting business in this area can be a challenge regarding tax environments which are not that similar.

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Unlocking trust: why global compliance is on the business agenda

Compliance has long been a cornerstone of good business practice. But it can still be viewed as an obligation to be met rather than a driver of value. That’s why we conducted a survey of how business leaders approach global compliance, including where they focus investment, the risks they anticipate and what they expect from ‘good compliance’.

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Sustainable finance policy tracker

How different countries mitigate climate risks in their financial sectors?

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Investing in CEE 2020/2021 report

Despite the challenges caused by the Covid-19 pandemic, M&A dealmaking in Central & Eastern Europe remained robust in 2020. Thanks to its strong fundamentals, the CEE region continued to attract international investments, doing quite well in comparison with other emerging markets. This publication offers an overview of the inbound M&A activity in the CEE region throughout 2020 and looks ahead to the opportunities and challenges in the coming months.

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The future of audit: market view – myths, realities and ways forward

The audit profession faces a decisive moment: market expectations are shifting, technology is empowering auditors and strengthening quality, the case for audit’s evolution is growing and a series of headline corporate failures have raised questions about the quality of service companies can expect.

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