Tax Alerts
Mitigating Tax Risks When Receiving Services from Related Parties and Demonstrating Compliance with the Benefit Test
To date, SUNAT continues initiating tax audit processes regarding the Benefit Test for taxpayers receiving services from related parties. We emphasize the importance of seeking advice to determine the tax position to adopt for the annual Income Tax determination and, in turn, for the transfer pricing informative return - Local File, when applicable. Implementing risk mitigation measures promptly can be crucial when facing such tax inspections. Find further details regarding the scope of this obligation and key insight information in connection with the tax inspection processes in the following alert prepared by our transfer pricing team.
Read moreImpuesto a la ganancia de capital por venta de acciones e interpretación del término "bien inmueble” al amparo del CDI Perú-Corea
Mediante la Resolución Nro. 8646-12-2022 el Tribunal Fiscal ha emitido un precedente relevante para dar significado al término “bienes inmuebles” en la cláusula que regula la ganancia de capital generada por la venta de acciones efectuada por no domiciliado cuyo valor proceda en más del 50% de propiedad inmobiliaria en el marco del CDI Perú-Corea. Revise el alcance de esta jurisprudencia y nuestros comentarios sobre la misma en la alerta adjunta.
Read moreMaster File and Country-by-Country Report submission dates for fiscal year 2022
The due dates for filing the transfer pricing returns Master File and Country-by-Country Report for fiscal year 2022 are swiftly approaching, commencing on October 16th. Explore the essential details of these obligations and gain valuable insights from the attached tax alert.
Read moreMaster File and Country-by-Country Report submission dates for fiscal year 2022
The due dates for filing the transfer pricing returns Master File and Country-by-Country Report for fiscal year 2022 are swiftly approaching, commencing on October 16th. Explore the essential details of these obligations and gain valuable insights from the attached tax alert.
Read moreCronograma de vencimientos para la presentación de las declaraciones PT Reporte Maestro y Reporte País por País del ejercicio 2022
El 16 de octubre de 2023 se inicia el cronograma de vencimiento para cumplir con la presentación de las declaraciones informativas de precios de transferencia Reporte Maestro y Reporte País por País correspondientes al ejercicio 2022. Revise el alcance de estas obligaciones y las sugerencias de nuestro equipo para el cumplimiento de estas obligaciones en la alerta adjunta.
Read moreNew binding precedent rules out the existence of controversy if amended tax returns were filed during a tax inspection.
Supreme Court Decision No. 03158-2022-LIMA, issued on August 18, 2023, has stated that there is no matter in dispute if a taxpayer filed amended tax returns during a tax audit to incorporate the observations made by the inspector, generating the issuance of closing resolutions with no adjustments. As a result, the former is precluded from subsequently challenge those resolutions with a view to reversing the effects of the observations made by the tax administration during the tax inspection.
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