Comprehensive outsourcing services

By outsourcing part of your administrative-accounting work, you can reduce the pressure on your team. If your headcount is insufficient, then there may be delays in the delivery of your accounting/financial information and in the fulfilment of your fiscal and social security obligations. If this is the case, we may help you solve the problems very quickly. We can put a work team at your disposal and help you meet all regulations in force.

The tasks we may undertake include:

  • Meeting of accounting/financial and reporting needs within the terms established
  • Treasury management (treasury provision, payments preparation, drawing of checks)
  • Management of invoicing to customers
  • Preparation of monthly tax returns
  • Preparation of monthly information sworn statements
  • Services to in-house and external auditors
  • Control and recording of inventories
  • Preparation of official payroll and accounting books
  • Preparation of annual accounts
  • Management of payroll, social security and related income tax commitments
