Latest News

This section is dedicated to the latest Mazars news and events as well as information affecting audit, accounting, tax and consultancy in Malaysia.

APAC payroll newsletter 2022 Vol. 2

Many companies are attracting a borderless workforce and expanding operations into new countries. It is clear that APAC is particularly inviting to multinational corporations seeking expansion. With APAC expansion comes the need for an APAC payroll. Getting a widespread workforce paid correctly, on time, and in the right currency is a big challenge faced by many businesses of all sizes.

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Mazars Tax Newsletter - OECD transfer pricing guidelines on financial transactions (Part II: Treasury Functions)

The OECD has released in February 2020 the final Transfer Pricing Guidance on Financial Transactions ("Guidance"). The Guidance provides an insight on the arm’s length treatment of various financial transactions among related parties. This is the first time that multinational enterprise (MNE) groups are provided with guidelines on how to structure and price intra-group financial transactions. In our second newsletter, we focus on treasury functions – cash pooling and hedging, guarantees, captive insurance and risk-free and risk adjusted rates of return.

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We are opening our doors in Johor Bahru today

Today, we are expanding our footprint in Johor Bahru!

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Technical Guidance | Valuation Considerations for preparing 31 March 2022 Financial Statements

Fair value and impairment considerations are critical for financial reporting amid the ongoing global events

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APAC payroll newsletter - 2021 Q4

Running payroll across APAC is always challenging for international organisations. Organisations need to observe payroll trends in the region and in specific countries, and pay attention to details to do business with confidence.

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