Growing Global

Even in uncertain times, businesses are looking to grow their operations and open new markets abroad.
Growing Global explores how companies can best understand, meet, and overcome the many challenges they face when it comes to global expansion.

Embrace new markets

Business confidence is growing, and companies are actively investing to acquire new customers.

Many of those will be in new markets. In our most recent C-suite barometer report, executives highlighted international expansion as a key strategy for 2024 and identified Germany, the USA, France and China as top growth opportunities. 

Motivated by increased competition within their own sectors, leaders must also anticipate and react to new entrants from other industries empowered by new digital technologies.

    25% of all businesses said they were looking to expand internationally.


Get smart on regulation and reporting

Whether it be around finance, tax, technology, or sustainability, the global regulatory and reporting landscape is becoming more complex.

Companies that seek to expand internationally now must navigate many different types of compliance.

Knowing what is required, how to identify the information needed, what to report, and how regulation in one jurisdiction might be relevant to another can be the key to securely and successfully growing your business abroad.


Digitise to thrive 

Big data analytics and artificial intelligence are transforming how every company does business, regardless of size or structure.

C-suite executives around the world identify digitalisation as a top investment priority, as data-led strategy becomes a pre-requisite for successful global growth. In this series we consider how companies can shape a digital strategy to grow, identify the right new markets and develop robust operations and supply chains, managing risks and reaching new opportunities.


Think like the locals.

Successful expansion into new markets isn’t just about numbers or technology, it’s about people and cultural nuances. When you listen and learn from those with local experience, your growth journey becomes much easier.” - Karl Bygrave, International Group Director, Lush

Navigating regulatory complexity

In today's global economy, the regulatory terrain is multifaceted and ever-changing. Companies venturing into new territories face a myriad of compliance requirements. Financial regulations demand rigorous adherence to local tax laws, anti-money laundering directives, and financial reporting standards.

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Growing and expanding internationally: a strategic approach to globalisation

The first theme is learning to navigate the increasing complexity of regulation, whether it be around finance, tax, technology, or sustainability. Companies that seek to expand internationally now must find a route through many different types of compliance. For instance, technology companies expanding into the EU must comply with the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR), which imposes strict data privacy requirements and significant penalties for non-compliance.

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