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Latest News
This section is dedicated to the latest Mazars news and events as well as information affecting audit, accounting, tax and consultancy in Malaysia.
APAC payroll newsletter 2023 Vol.1
As the new fiscal year has recently begun, our APAC payroll newsletter helps to provide important updates on upcoming changes and amendments to payroll regulations for the 2023 year to ensure payroll compliance across APAC.
Mazars and FORVIS to form unique new top 10 global network
15 November 2023 – Mazars, the leading international audit, tax, and advisory firm and FORVIS, the eighth largest public accounting firm in the United States, today jointly announce they will create a new, top 10 global network[1], effective 1 June 2024. The new network will position both firms for continued global growth by expanding their capabilities to serve clients, especially those with international needs.
2023 Malaysian TaxBiz Companion
Our Prime Minister and Minister of Finance, YAB Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim announced the revised Budget 2023 on 24 February 2023 with a total allocation of RM388.1 billion, comprising RM289.1 billion for operating expenditure and RM99 billion for development expenditure which includes RM2 billion as contingency savings.
Insight into the Special Voluntary Disclosure Programme 2.0 (“SVDP 2.0”)
The Malaysian Government has rolled out the implementation of SVDP 2.0 from 6 June 2023 to 31 May 2024 covering both direct taxes and indirect taxes. Taxpayers are given an opportunity to come forward voluntarily to report their unreported income or under declared income and pay their taxes thereon without any penalty.
New Development of Transfer Pricing Requirements in Malaysia (June 2023)
New Income Tax (Transfer Pricing) Rules 2023 has been published on 29 May 2023 and is effective from the Year of Assessment (“YA”) 2023 onwards. Find out more about the latest developments in the Malaysian TP scene by downloading the newsletter below.