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This section is dedicated to the latest Mazars news and events as well as information affecting audit, accounting, tax and consultancy in Malaysia.
Regulation and Sustainability: Five questions, answered
Regulation can be a powerful force in driving sustainable practices amongst businesses – from corporate reporting to mandatory action. But what are the right metrics for sustainability and who should be responsible for tracking them? The response to these questions may be different based on geography, sector and market segment.
Technology and Sustainability: Five innovations defining the future
As the call for increased transparency and accountability from companies on their environmental, social and governance efforts continues, companies spend signficant time and effort in identifying how to consistently capture meaningful and reliable non-financial data to share with their stakeholders. Digital solutions could offer them support in this challenge.
Sustainability: Technology enabled
The Economist Intelligence Unit wrote a set of articles sponsored by Mazars focusing on the role of regulation and technology in relation to sustainability. In this article, the rapid expansion of technologies around sustainability practice and reporting – from ESG-themed data mining to blockchain voting – is explored.