Latest News

This section is dedicated to the latest Mazars news and events as well as information affecting audit, accounting, tax and consultancy in Malaysia.

IFRS for Financial instruments

Mazars latest IFRS Insight addresses the accounting for financial instruments under IFRS. It draws on several relevant IFRS standards to tackle, in one handbook, the entire range of challenges related to financial instruments among which: recognition and derecognition, classification and measurement, impairment for credit risk, derivatives and hedging, and related disclosures. It includes all the new requirements introduced by IFRS 9 and the related amendments to other standards such as IFRS 7.

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IFRS 15: Key points of the revenue recognition standard in 100 questions & answers

To both help understand the key issues of IFRS 15 and provide answers to your specific questions, Mazars publishes "IFRS 15: Key points of the revenue recognition standard in 100 Questions & Answers". This publication, from the Mazars Insight series, presents the intricacies of a complex standard in a pedagogical way.

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