Preventive audit service
Comprehensive analysis model focused on foreign trade operations, starting with logistics, verifying the correct, incremental, and decremental use of Incoterms; then, customs clearance, validating the application of tariff preferences and identifiers; concluding with the correct application in accounting and tax processes, such as the reconciliation of foreign trade contributions for the monthly payment of taxes.
- Authorized Economic Operator.
- Detect contingencies in historical operations.
- IMMEX Customs Compliance.
- IMMEX Obligations.
- Initial inventory and disclaimer report.
- Inventory Control System Review (annex 24).
- Physical inventory (machinery and equipment).
- Reconciliation of the credit and guarantee control system (annex 30).
- Review of and opinion on the foreign trade file documents.
- Sub-maquila operations.
- VAT and IEPS Certification.