Sustainable diagnosis: how is your company doing in relation to the NIS?

We can evaluate your entity's compliance with the core indicators of the Sustainability Reporting Standards (NIS for its acronym in Spanish).

We are pleased to introduce you to our survey designed to evaluate your entity's compliance with the NIS. This tool has been developed with the objective of providing a comprehensive view of your organisation's alignment with these essential standards for sustainability in private companies.

This evaluation will allow you to identify areas of strength and opportunities for improvement in your sustainability practices, thus facilitating the implementation of more effective and NIS-aligned strategies. The results obtained from the survey are provided for information purposes only and are not intended to be extensive or definitive. 

We thank you for your participation and are confident that the information obtained will be of great value in strengthening the monitoring of your sustainability indicators. To carry out the diagnostic, please click on the button below: 

How is your entity in relation to the NIS?

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