2021 Mazars C-suite Barometer: Insights from Mexico

Some of the most impressive results of the Mazars C-Suite barometer show that 92% of Mexican C-suites are confident that they can outperform the results from 2020 - to what does this enthusiasm respond to?

Conducted in Q4 2021, Mazars C-suite barometer took the pulse of over 1,000 executives from 39 countries around the world to understand the opportunities and challenges they are facing.

In this document, we interviewed Raul Montemayor, Managing partner of Mazars in Mexico, to get his insights on the main results of our study regarding Mexico:

  • Mexican C-suites are confident they will outperform 2020 results. 92% predict revenue growth this year, higher than 86% of the global average.
  • 81% of the leaders interviewed in Mexico expect ESG transformations in their business, 22 points higher than the global average response.
  • Innovation and analytical thinking were highlighted as the top leadership skills by the Mexican C-suites.
  • Mexican businesses are confident in their level of data protection and maturity. 83% are confident that their data maturity is higher than their competitors, and 75% say their data is fully protected – 7% higher than the global average; and only 36% think cyber security risks have increased (vs 55% globally).

With this background scenario, what should companies focus on to face the challenges and take advantage of the opportunities that arise? To learn more, download the document


2021 Mazars C-suite Barometer: Insights from Mexico

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