Reinventing the wheel: mobility as a service

The second series of 'Reinventing the wheel' focuses on the rise of ‘mobility as a service’ and how the mobility sector is moving towards multi-modal, multi-platform services that get people and goods from A to B.

To provide greater understanding on ‘mobility as a service’ and the future of the mobility ecosystem, we have shared a series of articles featuring Mazars experts from around the world. Series 2 is below; to read all our Reinventing the wheel articles go here. 

Reinventing the wheel - Interview with Dr Christian Back, Partner & Sophie Müller, Mazars

Mobility as service is the ability to plan, book and pay for several forms of transport using a single service. Think of smartphone apps that you use to access multiple modes of transport to get from A to B. That’s mobility as a service at work.
