Tax Newsletters 2018

Read here the latest issues of Mazars Hungary's Tax Newsletters. In these publications we would like to inform our clients and prospective partners about the current modifications or changes in tax.

The 2019 tax package: in the spirit of simplification? - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2018/13

In the middle of June, tax bills have been submitted to Parliament: on the one hand, a voluminous, 182-page-long omnibus bill (proposed act no. T/625), and on the other hand, the draft of the brand new separate act on the social contribution tax (T/627).

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Have you already prepared for online invoicing? Part 4 - Mazars Tax Newsletter 2018/12

Less than one month to go until real-time data reporting obligation comes into force! We arrived to the point of no turning back: the related decree has been published by the Hungarian Ministry of Finance!

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Do not forget to submit a declaration on the unpaid advertising tax - Tax Newsletter 2018/11

Until now, economic operators generating revenue not exceeding HUF 100 million from advertising did not have to pay an advertising tax or satisfy any related administrative obligation either.

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Have you already prepared for online invoicing?- 3. part- Tax newsletter 2018/ 10

There are less than 2 months left until the start of real-time data supply obligation! It is important to pay attention to what we supply to the Tax Authority.

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BEPS – yet another substantial international step to counter aggressive tax planning - Tax Newsletter 2018/9

In just a few months, the large-scale international tax convention will enter into force as a result of which “all of a sudden” thousands of bilateral agreements for the avoidance of double taxation may be changed worldwide.

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The income minimum rule – should we always use it? - Tax Newsletter 2018/8

In recent years, there has been a significant increase in the number of companies that could be affected by the use of the so-called income (profit) minimum rule of the Corporate Income Tax Act.

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The tax exemption of screening tests in the framework of insurance – the Tax Authority recommends caution - Tax Newsletter 2018/7

In recent years, various insurance schemes have gained in popularity as benefits provided by employers.

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Personal income tax returns – employers can no longer help, but the Tax Authority will! - Tax Newsletter 2018/6

The amendments of law entering into effect on 1 January 2018 discontinued the option of personal income tax (PIT) assessment by the employer.

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Have you already prepared for online invoicing? 2. part- Tax Newsletter 2018/5

There are less than 4 months left until the start of the real-time data supply obligation! Mazars has launched a series of newsletters to inform its clients concerning the latest developments and the most important rules of the real-time data supply. We hope that you will find this information helpful in your preparation for online invoicing.

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Have you already prepared for online invoicing?- Tax Newsletter 2018/4

There are less than 5 months left until the start of the real-time data supply obligation! Mazars has launched a series of newsletters to inform its clients concerning the latest developments and the most important rules of the real-time data supply. We hope that you will find this information helpful in your preparation for online invoicing.

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