Tax Newsletters 2015

You can read here the latest issues of Mazars Hungary's Tax Newsletters. In these newsletters we would like to inform our clients and prospective partners about the current modifications or changes in tax.

Tax Newsletter 2015/4 - New EKAER Bill

The Decree 5/2015 (II.27.) NGM has been published on 27 February summarizing the new EKAER regulation, effective from 1 March.

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Tax Newsletter 2015/3- New EKÁER bill

The new EKAER bill was published on the Hungarian Government’s website on 19 February, for opinion purposes.

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Tax Newsletter 2015/2- EKÁER- new deadline

According to the official communication published on the Hungarian Government’s website, the EKÁER trial period has been extended till 1 March 2015.

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Tax Newsletter 2015/1- decree change

The decree on the documentation of the arms' lengt prices has changed, inform Mazars in its first tax newsletter of 2015.

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