Tax newsletters 2010-2012

You can read the latest issues of Mazars Tax Newsletter here. In our newsletters we would like to inform our clients and prospective partners about the current modifications or changes in tax.

Mazars Hungary Tax Newsletter No. 5/2012

In this Newsletter you can read about control guidelines of the national Tax and Customs Adminstration for 2012

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Mazars Hungary Tax Newsletter No. 4/2012

In this newsletter you can read about the Registartion fee to be paid by companies to the Chambers of Commerce

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Mazars Hungary Tax Newsletter No. 3/2012

In this Newsletter you can read about the most essentiel modifications defined in the Act LXXXV of 2011 on Environmental Protection Product Charge, that became operative as of January 1, 2012.

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Mazars Hungary Tax Newsletter No. 11/2011

Új adónem szeptember 1-jétől: népegészségügyi termékadó

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Mazars Hungary Tax Newsletter No. 9/2011

Az adó-visszaigénylés Áfa törvényi szabálya nem felel meg a Közösségi előírásoknak

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Mazars Hungary Tax Newsletter No. 10/2011

Üdülési csekk és iskolakezdési támogatás

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Mazars Hungary Tax Newsletter No. 17/2011

Itt a cafeteria rendszerek átdolgozásának ideje

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Mazars Hungary Tax Newsletter No. 2/2012

In this Newsletter you can read about the latest news about EU Blue card, the Passport to the European labor market.

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Mazars Hungary Tax Newsletter No. 12/2011

Benyújtották a jövő évi adótörvénycsomagot

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Mazars Hungary Tax Newsletter No. 13/2011

Benyújtották a jövı évi adótörvénycsomagot

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