Legal Newsletters 2015

Read the latest legal news by Mazars Tax and Legal Services and its corresponding law firm, Borsy Law Office.

Legal Newsletter 2015/4 - Labor Code changes

The deadline for expressing opinion of the draft act of the amendment of the Labor Code (hereinafter referred to as the “Code”) on the government portal has recently closed.

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Legal Newsletter 2015/3 - Key points on limitation

The new Civil Code (Act V of 2013) adopted on March 15, 2014 has brought significant changes regarding late fulfilment of claims.

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Legal Newsletter 2015/2 - Work schedule for 2016

The Minister of National Economy has published the Decree on work schedule for 2016 public holidays (Decree No. 18/2015, VI.29., NGM).

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Legal News 2015/1- Changes in the Labour Code

As the new year has begun, a few new regulations have entered into force in the Labour Code. The modifications are listed in our present newsletter.

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