Legal Newsletters 2014

Read the latest legal news by Mazars Tax and Legal Services and its corresponding law firm, Borsy Law Office.

Legal news 2014/14- Novelties in the Civil Code

The changes in the rules of supplementary payments in the new Civil Code have raised some further questions recently, and even some legal interpretations have been published, which are different from our earlier expressed standpoint.

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Legal news 2014/10- 31/05/2014- important date!

31 May is the deadline for submitting the corporate income tax return, as well as for the disclosure and lodge of annual simplified reports.

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Legal news 2014/9- Amendments relating to lien II.

In the previous issue of our legal newsletter series on the new Civil Code, we discussed the main novelties relating to lien.

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Legal news 2014/8- Amendments relating to lien

Provisions relating to lien were included in the chapter of obligations in the former Civil Code, but these were moved – in structurally renewed form – to the book about the rights in rem within the new Civil Code effective from 15 March 2014.

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Legal news 7- Rights in REM in the new Civil Code

Novelties of Book Five of the new Civil Code – effective as of 15 March 2014 – affect the rules of possession. In our present newsletter, we summarize the main changes of this field.

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Legal news 2014/6- Financial lease contracts

The new Civil Code effective as of 15 March 2014 contains such a regulation which was not highlighted at all, although it has a substantial influence on thousands of taxpayers’ accounting practice.

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Legal news 5- Rules of first-loss default surety

The new Civil Code entering into force on 15 March 2014 will result in modifications in the rules of first-loss default guarantee.

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Legal News 2014/4-The Labour Code will modify

In the third edition of our newsletter series on new Civil Code we present the modifications on the Labour Code.

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Legal news 2014/3- Foundations in new Civil Code

In the present edition of our newsletter series on the new Civil Code (Act V of 2013), we discuss the modifications concerning foundations.

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Legal Newsletter 2014/2- Transformation rules

The most important changes concerning the regulations of the new Civil Code entering into force as of 15 March 2014 were summarized in our previous newsletter from September 2013.

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