Konstantinos Lefkaditis Director

Konstantinos Lefkaditis

Konstantinos Lefkaditis is Director at Forvis Mazars, leading the consulting services in Banking Sector, with more than 26 years of experience in Banking and Consulting services with expertise in Risk Management.

He has significant experience in credit risk, market risk, operational risk, liquidity risk, IRRBB, in the implementation of new supervisory and regulatory frameworks (EBA, BIS,/Basel, IFRS 9, ESG), in supervisory Stress Tests , AQR, EBA TRIM/OSI, development & validation of risk models as well as development of various banking & risk policies, procedures and reports (e.g., ICAAP, ILAAP, Recovery Plan). He has also been a member of various credit and risk management committees. He has participated and supervised various large projects in banking and in risk management, in various systemic and non-systemic banks in Greece and abroad and insurance companies.

He has a degree in Mathematics, a master’s degree in Numerical Analysis and Business Administration (MBA) and holds a Post Doc and PhD in Risk Management. He is visiting professor at National and Kapodistrian University of Athens at the Msc. Program ‘Quantitative Investing’. Articles and research work in risk management have been published in various Greek and international scientific journals.

He is a member of PRMIA, GARP, Hellenic Mathematical Society, ExCo committee in Forvis Mazars Greece and the Advisory Committee of SESMA.

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