Tax compliance

Bespoke tax solutions that work in the modern retail market

Brand reputation is key in many sectors, but particularly so in retail. In today’s market customers expect retail companies to operate with the highest corporate governance standards and will vote with their feet if they don’t like what they see.

At Mazars, we understand the huge role tax compliance plays from a corporate governance standpoint. We provide organisations in the retail sector with a bespoke service designed to help you meet your regulatory requirements while ensuring governance standards are fit for the future.

Our suite of tax compliance services, typically fall under four pillars covering direct tax, indirect tax, employee taxes and reporting. In the field of direct tax, we can undertake tax efficient restructuring, separating real estate from trading operations, maximise capital allowances and advise on real estate taxation and transfer pricing in a multi-national environment.   

For indirect taxes and duties, we can help with customs duties product classifications, online sales and distance selling VAT rules and VAT free retail exports. When it comes to employee taxes, we look at tax advantaged share schemes to retain employees, national minimum wage compliance requirements and self-employed versus employed issues.

Tax reporting is a further important area where we provide services for year-end tax compliance filing obligations and adherence to local, EU and OECD governance reporting requirements. 
