Meet our experts at Insurance Europe’s international conference in Prague

Mazars is proud to sponsor Insurance Europe’s 12th international conference, taking place on 2 June in Prague. Join us and insurance industry leaders, policymakers and regulators to explore what actions and solutions could build resilience and ensure greater insurance protection for all.

This conference is one of the biggest events for the European insurance industry. Now in its 12th year, the event is firmly established in the industry calendar, not just for the calibre of its speakers and sessions but also for its excellent networking opportunities. The full-day conference will feature speeches and debates by the insurance industry’s top-level policymakers and executives.

Closing the gaps: protection for all

Protection gaps impact the health and wealth of both individuals and businesses. In a full day of debates and speeches, Insurance Europe will examine what, where and why gaps exist, looking into exposures to natural catastrophes, cyber risks, inadequate pension saving and much more.

Meet our experts

As one of the leading professional service providers in the insurance sector, Mazars is a proud partner of Insurance Europe. Our insurance experts will be present in Prague to discuss your projects and present you the full breadth of audit, tax and advisory services we can offer to support your development.

We look forward to seeing you.

  • Where: Žofín Palace, Prague, Czech Republic
  • When: Thursday, 2 June 2022

To find out more about Insurance Europe’s annual conference, including information on the programme, speakers and other activities taking place throughout the event, click here.
