
Our legal solutions are aimed at national and multinational companies, with the clear objective of providing the necessary collaboration to achieve reliability and competitiveness in the development of their activities.

At Forvis Mazars we understand the need of dealing with legal issues in an international environment. We offer a pragmatic and cross specialization approach to a diverse client base. We work with global owner-managed businesses and European listed companies, but also with local companies, associations and private individuals.

Our solutions in legal matters in the administrative, commercial and labor areas include:

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Incorporation of national and foreign companies and branches.
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Judicial and extra-judicial representation of companies in judicial and administrative authorities.
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Legal representation of companies in Colombia.
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Corporate advice / mergers and acquisitions (M&A).
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Legal advice in the following areas of Law: corporate, civil, labor, tax, administrative, foreign exchange, government contracting and competition.
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Drafting of commercial, labor and public contracts required by companies.


Legal compliance of administrative, commercial and labor obligations.

Necessary collaboration to achieve reliability and competitiveness in the development of its activities.

Efficiency in legal procedures.

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