Law 2173: Two trees for each worker

On December 30, 2021, the Congress of the Republic issued Law No. 2173, which promotes ecological restoration through the planting of trees and the creation of forests in the national territory, stimulating environmental awareness among citizens, environmental civil responsibility among companies and environmental commitment among territorial entities, and creating life areas.

This law established that all medium and large companies, duly registered in Colombia, must develop a tree planting program of at least two (2) trees for each of their employees, in the zones established as life areas defined and destined by the municipalities for the restoration programs.

These trees must be native species that comply with the characteristics of species, thermal floor, phytosanitary, soil and other requirements established in coordination with the national, regional, and municipal environmental authority, together with the municipalities.

Each company will assume the costs of the tree planting program and the restoration activities will be internal activities of the companies, so they must be carried out during working hours, complying with occupational safety protocols and other legal requirements.

From when?

Companies must comply with this law annually, as of the year following the enactment of this law, that is, as of December 31, 2022.

Other provisions

Micro and small companies may, by their own decision, carry out restoration activities by planting trees.

Medium and large companies, which for reasons of the pandemic have had to close their own activities, but manage to reactivate, will have a transition period to comply with the provisions of this law, having to comply with the rule one year after the enactment of the law.

Companies that are dissolved, liquidated or inactive must present the certificate that proves it to be exempted from compliance with this law.

Finally, the municipal Secretaries of Environment and Planning, or the one acting in their stead, will issue the "Siembra Vida Empresarial" Certificate to the companies that have complied with this law, which will have no additional cost.



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