Due date for submission of Reports 42, 50 and 52 corresponding to fiscal year 2021 of SuperSociedades
The following are the obligated parties and the deadlines for filing:
Report 42- Business Practices
Business entities supervised or controlled by the Superintendence of Companies are obliged to fill out this report, except for those that are in the situations described in section 3.2 of the External Circular mentioned above (among which are those in a state of inspection, simplified judicial liquidation, compulsory liquidation, judicial liquidation, voluntary liquidation, reorganization, abbreviated reorganization, restructuring, in concordat, among others).
The responsibility for the completion, content and accuracy of this report shall be of the administrators of the obliged business entities and must be submitted in accordance with the last two digits of the company's NIT, without including the verification digit, within the following deadlines:
Last two digits of the NIT | Deadline for submission of information in the year 2022 |
01-10 | Tuesday, June 7th |
11-20 | Wednesday, June 8th |
21-30 | Thursday, June 9th |
31-40 | Friday, June 10th |
41-50 | Monday, June 13th |
51-60 | Tuesday, June 14th |
61-70 | Wednesday, June 15 |
71-80 | Thursday, June 16 |
81-90 | Friday, June 17 |
91-00 | Tuesday, June 21 |
It is important to note that it is not required to send additional documents and those who have more than one accounting closing must submit a single report.
Report 50- AML/CFT/AMLF Risk Prevention
Business Entities obliged to comply with the provisions of Chapter X of the Basic Legal Circular [2] during the year 2021, must send the report within the following deadlines according to the last digits of the NIT of the business entity, not including the verification digits:
Last two digits of the NIT | Deadline for submission of information in the year 2022 |
01-20 | Monday, May 23rd |
21-40 | Tuesday, May 24 |
41-60 | Wednesday, May 25 |
61-80 | Thursday, May 26th |
81-00 | Friday, May 27 |
The report must be filled out responsibly and transparently by the obligated Business Entities.
Report 52- Transparency and Business Ethics
The supervised companies that have complied with the criteria set forth in Resolution No. 100-006261 of October 2, 2020 are obliged to fill out Report 52 in the following terms:
Last two digits of the NIT | Deadline for submission of information in the year 2022 |
01-20 | Tuesday, May 31st |
21-40 | Wednesday, June 1 |
41-60 | Thursday, June 2nd |
61-80 | Friday, June 3 |
81-00 | Monday, June 6 |
Obligated Business Entities that do not comply with the submission of the aforementioned reports may be sanctioned by the Superintendency of Corporations through the imposition of sanctions or fines of up to 200 SMLMV, as provided in Article 86 of Law 222 of 1995.