August application for youth employment support begins tomorrow

In compliance with the provisions of Decree 688 of 2021, which created "the support for the generation of employment for young people within the Sacúdete Strategy", and Resolution 1405 of 2021, which regulated the aforementioned decree, the Ministry of Labor issued the Operational Manual which defines the calendar for submitting applications for the aforementioned support, the operational details of the transfer mechanism and the certification of restitution and return of resources that are not effectively allocated to the final beneficiary, among others.

In accordance with the above, the following are the main points to be taken into account for the August application:

 1. What does the support consist of?

The support program for the generation of employment for young people within the Sacúdete Strategy is a subsidy created by the National Government through which employers[1] will be granted a monthly state contribution equivalent to twenty-five percent (25%) of one (1) current legal monthly minimum wage (SMLMV) for each additional worker they hire or formally link as of July and during the rest of the 2021 term, and who is in the age range of 18 to 28 years old.

This, for the year 2021 the value of the subsidy will correspond to COP $227,131 per month per additional young person hired.

This contribution will be provided once per month of application and up to a maximum of twelve (12) times within the temporality of the support [2], in order to generate young and formal employment in the country, and thereby mitigate the situation of structural unemployment that especially affects this population.

2. Timeline for application.

The beneficiaries of the support and other actors in the process must adhere to the following schedule:



Application to the Financial Institution

August 12 to 19, 2021

Sending information for validation by the UGPP

August 20 to 24, 2021

Issuance of the concept of conformity by the UGPP

August 20 to August 24, 2021August 25 to September 3, 2021

Filing of collection accounts with the Ministry of Labor

September 06, 2021

Correction of possible errors in the collection accounts

September 06 to 07, 2021

Process for transfer of funds to financial institutions

As of September 24, 2021

Dispersion of funds from financial institutions to applicants

Next business day, and up to 15 working days after receipt of the resources


This schedule will be modified for each application month and published by the Ministry of Labor on its website five (5) days prior to the beginning of the application process.

3. Return of state support resources.

In the event that the resources received by the Financial Entities or the Savings and Credit Cooperatives cannot be effectively delivered to the final beneficiaries, for any of the reasons indicated in the Operating Manual, said resources must be returned to the Ministry of Labor, by consignment to the account of the Banco de la República, which must be made within fifteen (15) working days from the date on which the Ministry of Labor has consigned the value of the collection account in the deposit account (CUD) of the entity.

4. Restitution of state support resources.

Restitution consists of the total or partial reimbursement made by the final beneficiary of the support to the Ministry of Labor, when it is evidenced that the beneficiary, having received the support:

(i) Did not comply with any of the requirements established to be a beneficiary of the support at the time of the application;

(ii) Did not comply with the rules set forth in Art. of Decree 688 of 2021, among them the rules regarding the accounting of additional workers; or

(iii)Presented false documents to prove the requirements established for the allocation of the support.

It is necessary to indicate that this restitution may be of two types: (i) Voluntary; and (ii) product of the control actions of the UGPP and the Superintendence of Solidarity Economy.

5. Withdrawal of the application.

The applicant may request the financial institution or Credit Union to withdraw its application as a potential beneficiary.

For this purpose, the applicant must inform the respective entity to which the application was made of its intention to withdraw the current application, using the form provided for this purpose, which must be done at any time before the Financial Institutions or Savings and Credit Cooperatives send the collection accounts to the Ministry of Labor, in accordance with the dates set forth in the schedule for the month of application.

If the withdrawal occurs after this term, the Financial Institution or Savings and Credit Cooperative must apply the refund process.

[1] Legal entities, natural persons, consortiums, temporary unions, autonomous assets and cooperatives (Art. of Decree 1072 of 2015).

[2] This support will be in force during the fiscal years 2021 and 2022 (Art. of Decree 1072 of 2015).



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