Economic assistance to the unemployed population and economic support to notary's offices

Economic assistance to the unemployed population

By means of Decree 801 of June 4, 2020, the Ministry of Labor created the economic assistance to the unemployed population who will receive economic assistance of a monthly value of one hundred and sixty thousand Colombian pesos ($160,000), for up to three (3) months.

This allowance applies to unemployed dependent and self-employed workers in categories A and B of the public and private sectors who have contributed to the Family Compensation Funds for at least six (6) continuous or discontinuous months in the last five (5) years. Likewise, they must have lost their jobs as of March 12, 2020, within the framework of the Health Emergency declared by the Ministry of Health and Social Protection.

The unemployed workers who prior to the issuance of this Decree have applied for the benefits referred to in Article 6 of Decree 488 of 2020, and who have been included in the waiting list of the Family Compensation Fund, may be beneficiaries of the assistance referred to in Article 4 of this Decree.

In any case, if the beneficiaries access the benefit contemplated in Article 6 of Legislative Decree 488 of 2020, the benefits derived from the allowance contemplated in Decree 801 will be discounted from the same.

Economic support to notary's offices

By means of Decree 805 of June 4, 2020, the Ministry of Justice and Law created for a term of four (4) months, an economic support for all the notary offices of the country destined to the compliance of their labor obligations, with the purpose of protecting the employment of the workers that render their services in these entities, due to the effects generated by the Covid-19.

The value of the economic support to which each notary will be entitled corresponds to forty percent (40%) of the value of a Minimum Legal Monthly Wage in Force for each of the employees of the notary's office.



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