Read our new edition of the ESG Market Analysis Report

Between communication and practise breaches, there are still many improvements that the 163 businesses that reported their results to the NGC 461 regulations should implement. This study reinforces the need to implement the good practises that will allow the compliance of tomorrow.

Nowadays, for organizations to be successful, sustainability should be at the core of its business model. In Forvis Mazars Chile, we help companies to implement ESG criteria in their strategy and communications to the capital markets. This, to allow them to make informed decisions, comply with local and international sustainability standards and have a positive impact in their media.  

 We also help the implementation and strengthening of the use of ESG criteria in the investment and product design strategies in the finance sector. We also provide consulting services on ESG criteria and sustainability reports, improving the internal collection processes and business reports, and building confidence and legitimacy to that information’s userbase.


Estudio de Mercado ASG