Lucie Lavoie Partner – Standards and Professional Development

Lucie Lavoie

Lucie Lavoie, CPA auditor, is the partner in charge of the Standards and Professional Development Services at Forvis Mazars in Canada. Lucie provides technical advice on complex accounting and auditing matters to our professional staff and also develops and presents training programs on emerging accounting and financial reporting developments to our clients and business associates. In addition, Lucie teaches occasionally IFRS and ASPE updates on behalf of the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec (OCPAQ).

As a member of the Forvis Mazars Group International IFRS Committee, Lucie contributes to the preparation of comment letters on proposed accounting standards at the international level and is co-editor of the firm’s IFRS newsletters.

Career Profile

Lucie has more than 30 years’ experience in Canadian, U.S. and International auditing and accounting standards. Before joining Forvis Mazars, Lucie worked for one of the Big Four international accounting firms. Over the years, Lucie has been actively involved in various technical accounting and auditing working groups of OCPAQ and CPA Canada.

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