IFRS Newsletter No. 03 – 2017

For the second time in its history, the IASB has launched a rapid-turnaround consultation that, once again, relates to financial instruments. This haste contrasts with the time spent by the standard-setter on the quality and volume of the financial information disclosed in accordance with IFRS.

On April 21, the IASB published draft amendments to IFRS 9, Financial Instruments, and in its discussion paper, published on March 30, the Board proposes that its future work should focus on the development of principles of disclosure for financial information.

Read the IASB’s proposed changes on IFRS standards.


IFRS Highlights

A Closer Look – IASB: What are the key principles of disclosure for financial information?

  1. The seven principles of effective communication
  2. Principles on where to disclose financial information
  3. Principles to address specific concerns expressed by users of financial statements
  4. Principles to improve disclosure objectives and IFRS requirements

Upcoming meetings of the IASB and the IFRS Interpretations Committee


IFRS Newsletter No. 03 – 2017

Want to know more?

Lucie Lavoie
Lucie Lavoie Partner – Standards and Professional Development

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