IFRS Newsletter No. 06 – 2016

The IASB will focus on maintenance of standards through minor amendments. Find out the latest news regarding IFRS 3, IFRS 11, IFRS 4 and IFRS 9.

The IASB’s update to its work plan on September 23, 2016 provides a good indication of what is in store over the next few months.

The IASB will focus, in the future, on maintenance of standards through minor amendments, interpretations, annual improvements and decisions by the IFRIC.


  • IFRS Highlights
  • A Closer Look – Proposed amendments to IFRS 3 and IFRS 11 (published on June 29, 2016)
  • A Closer Look – Interactions between IFRS 9 and the forthcoming Insurance Contracts standards: IASB publishes definitive optional approaches
  • Upcoming meetings of the IASB and the IFRS Interpretations Committee


IFRS Newsletter No. 06 – 2016

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Lucie Lavoie
Lucie Lavoie Partner – Standards and Professional Development

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