Michel Lefebvre: New Leader in SR&ED and Tax incentives at Mazars in Canada

We are pleased to welcome Michel Lefebvre, Lawyer, CPA, CGA, as Leader in SR&ED and tax incentives among our tax services division at Mazars in Canada.
Michel Lefebvre

Recognized for his expertise amongst the business community and the tax authorities, Michel has more than 30 years of experience in SR&ED credits, tax incentives, government assistance and corporate taxation. He worked for 9 years within the CRA (Canada Revenue Agency), including 3 years as a manager in their SR&ED division. For 20 years, he led the SR&ED and tax incentives practice for large international firms.

Michel is a member of the Barreau du Québec and the Ordre des comptables professionnels agréés du Québec. With a highly diverse clientele, operating mainly in information technologies, film and television productions, and in the manufacturing sector, Michel works with companies of all sizes, seeking to invest in Canada or abroad.

« I am happy to join Mazars, a firm that is part of a renowned international Group, and to work with professionals who are committed to the development and growth of companies »

–Michel Lefebvre–

In addition to leading the SR&ED credits and tax incentives services, Michel is also a member of the technology team at Mazars in Canada. This multi-service team is dedicated to assist companies in the technology sector.

We are convinced that Michel’s expertise will be a great asset to our firm and we are pleased to welcome him to our team.

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