Beyond the GAAP 142 Covid-19
Firstly, this supplement will keep you up-to-date with the position statements on the current crisis published by various market authorities and institutions, as Beyond the GAAP has always aimed to do. In this unprecedented situation, we are also introducing a new feature: the supplement will present Mazars’ preliminary views on topics that are currently being discussed within the accounting profession, in conjunction with standard-setters, market regulators and corporate representatives, and that have not yet been the subject of any “official” publications.
This supplement is the first in what we hope will only be a short series. It will enable us to alert readers to new developments, even when a regular issue of Beyond the GAAP is not scheduled for publication.
We hope that, like Beyond the GAAP, it will meet your needs by providing clear, relevant and concise information.
A Closer Look
- COVID-19: key institutional publications
- Accounting implications of the COVID-19 outbreak on IFRS consolidated financial statements as at 31 December 2019
- IASB and ESMA provide guidance to companies on implementing the IFRS 9 impairment model in the context of the COVID-19 crisis
- What accounting impacts will the COVID-19 crisis have on 2020 financial statements of corporates? page 10