Transport & Logistics

Transport and logistics companies face pressure to improve efficiency and become more sustainable at a time when trade barriers are increasing. The current environment is certainly not easy for businesses in this sector. Stricter regulations, environmental requirements, global trade wars and the digital transformation represent major challenges. 

Digital and sustainable development is the key to success

Transport and logistics businesses operate in a global market, so they are being significantly impacted by a range of factors including the increase in e‑commerce, Brexit and new regulatory challenges. Companies need to rethink how they work and move forward sustainably if they want to continue to find success in this complex environment. As a global partnership, Forvis Mazars will be with you every step of the way. Combining specialised expertise with sectoral know-how, we partner you through your digital transformation and can support you whether you operate in the shipping, second-level wholesale, service provider, warehousing, aviation or air navigation segment, or in any other area of logistics.

Our expertise

  • Safeguarding your business
  • Ensuring compliance
  • Financial assessments
  • Risk management and internal controls
  • Corporate finance
  • Corporate transaction services
  • Optimising production costs and financial performance
  • Tax planning and compliance
  • Forensics and investigations
  • Employer solutions
  • Digital transformation and technology
  • Sustainability reporting

If you have any questions or would like to learn about projects we’ve completed with other clients, we’d be happy to hear from you. Simply write us a message and we’ll get in touch.


Michael Kainrath
Michael Kainrath Geschäftsführer Wien

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