Tatiana Feschuk Head of Payroll&HR department

Key expertise
- Tatiana has more than 21 years of experience in the field of human resource management in companies with different forms of ownership and activities, also with various systems of pay and work schedules (staff of 4500 employees).
- She provides audit, restoration of documentation and consultations. Has experience in the implementation of personnel records and paperwork (documentation flow) from scratch.
- Tatiana successfully passes state checks of different levels. She can establish successful business relations with external and internal clients, and executive authorities.
- She has practical experience in project management, the launch of projects, transfers from internal to external service and between external providers, and service termination.
- National Aviation University: BA in computer systems engineering
- Interregional Academy of personal Management: MA in economy and staff management
Main focus
- Expert in labor legislation and payroll
- Consultant on optimization of business processes in personnel accounting and payroll
- Ukrainian
- English
- Russian
Want to know more?
Pages associated to Tatiana Feschuk
- Changes in the labor legislation: what to pay attention to?
- Вебінар: «Військовий облік на підприємстві та бронювання працівників: алгоритм дій»
- Labour law in Ukraine: FAQ
- Нові лікарняні в новому 2023 році без Фонду соціального страхування
- CEE Tax & Payroll Newsletter October 2022
- Закон про додаткові трудові правила на час війни від 19 липня
- Quarantine: organization of employees’s work in accordance with the labour legislation of Ukraine
- Our first HR Breakfast: How it happened