VAT and indirect taxes

VAT and indirect taxes need careful planning as they make up an ever-larger part of the tax take

Governments worldwide have shifted taxation to VAT and other indirect taxes over recent years to stabilise their tax base. 

Increasing complexity, caused mainly by a constant change in jurisdiction and legislation, as well as a partial lack of harmonisation across EU member states, not only make it more difficult to assess any special issues correctly for the purposes of indirect taxes, but also to fulfill the worldwide VAT and indirect tax obligations in the day-to-day business. 

With companies facing high penalties (including personal fines for the management of companies) for non-compliance, VAT and indirect taxes have risen up the corporate agenda. 

We offer the support you need to meet your VAT and indirect tax obligations. 

Our services:

  • Full service advisory services on general or specific customs and VAT issues 
  • Identifying and managing VAT and indirect tax risks 
  • Dealing with customs and indirect tax litigation issues due to non-compliance or investigation  
  • Advising on VAT and indirect tax issues during the M&A process (incl. due diligences and drafting/checking VAT clauses) 
  • VAT risk management concepts, including advisory in terms of tax compliance management systems (TCMS) 
  • VAT and customs compliance and outsourcing 
  • National and international staff training, upon request customised for the various functional areas of your company (e.g. sales, procurement, accounting) 
  • VAT reviews (‘Health Checks’, ‘Digital VAT Scan’) 
  • Consultancy in respect to export control compliance 

Our people   

Forvis Mazars’ Global VAT and Indirect Tax Group is well prepared to assist you: quickly, competently and practically oriented. Our VAT and indirect tax team takes a proactive, integrated and solutions-based approach with decision guidance.   
