What Is BRICA?

Business leg of Belt & Road Initiative, which is a development strategy proposed by the Chinese Government in 2013 is expressed as Belt & Road Industrial and Commercial Alliance (BRICA).

BRICA is a multilateral cooperation mechanism established by China Federation of Industrial Economics (CFIE), China’s leading national federation of industrial association in June 2016 in Beijing with the aim of improving cooperation between countries on the ancient Silk Road. BRICA members gather to discuss international business opportunities at the summit which is organized in different countries every year. Leading representatives of government, business, academia and civil society from different continents are invited to the international summit for being a keynote speaker or guest. After the first BRICA Summit in 2017 in Egypt, the second summit was decided to take place in Istanbul co-hosted by TUSIAD. 

Who Are The Members Of BRICA?


1.    Council for International Business Relations Support (IBRS)  Armenia

2.    Republican Confederation of Entrepreneurship of Belarus (RCEB) Belarus

3.    Brazilian National Confederation of Industry (CNI) Brazil

4.    China Federation of Industrial Economics (CFIE) China

5.    Chinese General Chamber of Commerce (Hong Kong) (CGCC) Hong Kong, China

6.    Confederation of Industry of the Czech Republic (SPCR) Czech Republic

7.    Confederation of Danish Industry (DI) Denmark

8.    Egyptian Businessmen’s Association(EBA) Egypt

9.    Confederation of Finnish Industries (EK) Finland

10.  Comité France-Chine (CFC) France

11.  Mouvement des Entreprises de France (MEDEF) France

12.  Georgian Chamber of Commerce and Industry (GCCI) Georgia

13.  Hamburg Chamber of Commerce (HCC) Germany

14.  Federation of Indian Chambers of Commerce & Industry (FICCI)  India

15.  Iran-China Chamber of Commerce and Industries (ICCCI) Iran

16.  Jordanian Businessmen’s Association Jordan

17.  Chamber of International Commerce of Kazakhstan (CICK) Kazakhstan

18.  Latvia Chamber of Commerce and Industry (LCCI) Latvia

19.  Confederation of Lithuanian Industrialists (LPK) Lithuania

20.  The Associated Chinese Chambers of Commerce and Industry of Malaysia (ACCCIM) Malaysia

21.  Mongolian Economic Cooperation Confederation (MECC) Mongolia

22.  Mongolian Employers’ Federation (MONEF) Mongolia

23.  General Confederation of Moroccan Enterprises (GCME) Morocco

24.  Netherlands Council for Trade Promotion (NCH) Netherlands

25.  Board of Investment (Prime Minister’s Office) (BOI) Pakistan

26.  Chamber of Commerce and Industry of Romania (CCIR) Romania

27.  All Russia Public Organization (Business Russia) Russia

28.  National Chamber of Commerce of Sri Lanka  Sri Lanka

29.  Turkish Industry and Business Association (TÜSİAD) Turkey

30.  Ukrainian League of Industrialists and Entrepreneurs (ULIE) Ukraine

31.  Amfori – International organization based in Brussels

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