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Mazars announces another year of record revenues as it builds global ambition

6 February 2024 – Mazars, the international audit, tax and advisory firm, today releases its global financial results for 2022/2023. This is the third consecutive year the firm has achieved double-digit growth across all services (both audit and non-audit). Despite ongoing market uncertainty, revenues are up 13% on last year, reaching €2.8 billion in fee income.

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Mazars in CEE ranks #3 by number of successful M&A deals advised and #5 by disclosed M&A deal value

We are pleased to announce that this year Mazars CEE has secured the 3rd position for the number of successful M&A Transaction Services projects advised in 2023 and the 5th position by disclosed M&A deal value, based on the “Mergermarket CEE Accountant League Table 2023”.

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Mazars and FORVIS to form unique new top 10 global network

15 November 2023 – Mazars, the leading international audit, tax, and advisory firm and FORVIS, the eighth largest public accounting firm in the United States, today jointly announce they will create a new, top 10 global network[1], effective 1 June 2024. The new network will position both firms for continued global growth by expanding their capabilities to serve clients, especially those with international needs.

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OECD Pillar 2 GloBE in CEE: Preparing for a different tax future

More than 140 jurisdictions have now signed up in principle to the global minimum tax framework, representing a ground-breaking plan to update key elements of the international tax system, which is no longer fit for purpose in a global and digitalised economy.

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Mazars launches CEE Tax Guide 2023

For the eleventh consecutive time, Mazars published its annual regional tax guide, presenting snapshots and comparative charts of the tax systems of 25 CEE countries for 2023.

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Mazars in CEE ranks #5 for M&A Transaction Services by deal count according to ‘Mergermarket Accountant League Table 2022’.

For the seventh year running, Mazars is ranked fifth by Mergermarket for the number of successful M&A Transaction Services projects advised in 2022 according to the Accountant League Table for Central & Eastern Europe.

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Mazars has received the Judges Award from the Global Payroll Association

Mazars was presented with the 2022 Judges Award from the Global Payroll Association

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Mazars CEE Deal Advisory Highlights 2021

In 2021 and for the seventh year in a row, Mazars has been ranked among the top 5 leading deal advisors in Central & Eastern Europe, based on Mergermarket CEE Accountant League Table by number of successful deals.

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Mazars ranked among top M&A transaction advisors in CEE region for 2020

Mazars is delighted to announce that, for the 5th year in a row, our transaction advisory services team has been ranked among the top 5 M&A transaction advisors by number of successful deals according to ‘Mergermarket Accountant League Table 2020’ for Central & Eastern Europe.

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COVID-19: vladni ukrepi v višini 2 mrd EUR

Vlada se je dogovorila o več ukrepih, katerih namen je blažiti posledice epidemije tako za državljane kot podjetja. Med najpomembnejšimi so izpostavili sofinanciranje plač za delavce na čakanju.

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