We provide insights on the future of our profession and its role in building a fair and prosperous world. Through our publications, we highlight and share our views on the major changes that will impact the lives and business models of our clients, as well as on the megatrends that will reshape our world.
Latest news
- OECD Pillar 2 GloBE in CEE: Preparing for a different tax future
- Mazars ranked among top M&A transaction advisors in CEE region for 2020
- Mazars launches CEE Tax Guide 2023
- Mazars in CEE ranks #5 for M&A Transaction Services by deal count according to ‘Mergermarket Accountant League Table 2022’.
- Mazars in CEE ranks #3 by number of successful M&A deals advised and #5 by disclosed M&A deal value
- Mazars has received the Judges Award from the Global Payroll Association
- Mazars CEE Deal Advisory Highlights 2021
- Mazars announces another year of record revenues as it builds global ambition
- Mazars and FORVIS to form unique new top 10 global network
- Forvis Mazars earns Best Place to Work status in CEE and Central Asia
- COVID-19: vladni ukrepi v višini 2 mrd EUR
- COVID-19: dva pristopa za upravljanje vašega podjetja skozi krizni čas
- COVID-19 in vladni ukrepi - davčni vidik
Tools and solutions
- Webinar - Pillar 2 GloBE: latest developments and required actions
- Transfer pricing: webinar series
- Mazars’ flagship conference - Set for change: tax transparency, a way towards sustainability
- 9.3.2023 CEE Webinar - Transfer pricing update in the CEE region
- 11.2. CEE webinar: EU Taxonomy & business benefits of ESG
Sustainability insights
- Prevod ESRS v slovenščino
- Preparing for the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD)
- Impact of the Corporate Sustainability Reporting Directive (CSRD) on non-EU groups and their EU subsidiaries
- How advanced are you on your sustainability journey?
- First set of draft ESRS: putting sustainability and financial information on an equal footing
- EU Taxonomy guide: navigate the EU Taxonomy and related regulations
- C-suite barometer 2023: ESG insights
- Acting on the European Sustainability Reporting Standards (ESRS)