Beatrice Hultman Tax Lawyer Director
Beatrice has since 2017 been working as a tax lawyer at Forvis Mazars in Gothenburg. She has since 2002 been working as a tax lawyer with two major competitors, tax expert at an information company and as a tax official. Beatrice has extensive experience of qualified tax-related assignments and provides consulting services in a range of areas, such as taxation of corporations, commercial properties and capital, and restructuring, generational changes and closely held companies. She also has experience in education and presentations on tax issues.
Beatrice works with corporate taxation for small and large companies, both within Sweden and internationally, including issues related to Pillar 2 (GloBE).
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Pages associated to Beatrice Hultman
- Hur hanteras utdelning till utländska aktieägare?
- Ränteavdragsreglerna i fokus - i väntan på remissvar
- Förslag om ändrade underskottsregler
- Ny lag om tilläggsskatt från årsskiftet – berörs ditt företag?
- Inkomstdeklarationerna är inlämnade – vad händer nu?
- Har du full koll på vilka som ingår i din närståendekrets?
- Högsta förvaltningsdomstolen undanröjer skattetillägg efter helomvändning av Skatteverket
- Skattenyheter i budgetpropositionen för 2023
- Maximera möjligheten till lågbeskattad utdelning från ditt fåmansaktiebolag